Welcome to the Minnesota NLP group! Minnesota NLP is a research group led by Dongyeop Kang (DK) in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Our group aims to develop human-centered language technologies. We are an inter-disciplinary team drawing theories from linguistics, social sciences, and cognitive sciences, developing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, and making NLP systems to be more interactive and collaborative.

We recruit graduate and undergraduate students as well as faculty members who could lead the NLP group together with DK. If you are a student, please read this page and fill out this form. If you are interested in a postdoc or faculty position at UMN CS, please contact DK directly.


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Tennis Drill! May 3, 2024
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Escape room! Feb 21, 2024
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NAACL paper clinic! Nov 2023
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Korean BBQ Party with Soju+Beer, Sep 22, 2022
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Virtual Group Meeting, Nov, 2021
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After poster sessions at NLP class, Apr 27, 2023
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Meetup without DK!

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Recent Highlights



Dongyeop Kang (DK)
Dongyeop Kang (DK)
Assistant Professor

Postdocs & Staff

Ph.D. Students

Masters and Undergraduate Students



Our research is supported by the following organizations/companies:
